
khoon hiang

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dean's list
faculty subject prize
long-lasting relationship
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no war, no disaster, no tragedy
exercise hard for better health
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sleep more for clearer mind
eat less for loosing weight



Thursday, August 10, 2006

cg outing!!!

yes! another successful cg outing~~~

on tuesday was singapore national day celebration. after the celebration me and liling and shining wanted to go to parkway for lunch but in the end shining went back to the hostel first. then me and liling went to kfc, wa, so many people queuing there. after that sze and yanling also came to join us. four of us went to liling's house, stayed there did nothing but playing cards and crapping. hoho... at about 1pm we started walking to ecp, i rode on liling's bicycle, so high... = =''' all the other people were not there yet, thought they said meet at 1.30pm? so we just loitered outside mcD, three of them went to 7-11 to buy things while i cycled outside there. finally we saw them walking past the fountain outside mcD but they didn't see us. sze had to call xianlin to ask them to come over. yay! finally we can start our cg outing!

let me take attendance first. me, sze, yanling, liling, xianlin, yibin, xialang, fuzhuo, xiaoyan.

we decided to go rollerblading. we went to a few shops and asked for the price. finally we settle down at one shop, all of us except for sze rent a pair of blades, she decided to cycle instead. didn't know all the others can rollerblade so well! they all just went so fast and far and i'm like a tortoise following behind them. but the kindhearted yibin and liling stopped occassionally and helped me lah. on the way we saw xialang and he said his blades were loose so he went to adjust them, but after that we never see him again. hoho... then we reached this very steep slope and everyone else just went up like nothing while i could only reach half of it. after that i tried again and i made it to the top! but when i went down the slope it was so fast that i couldn't control myself and just fell behind and scratched my butt's skin. :P haha, in the end we were so tired so we sat down there and fed mosquitoes. we also took photos there and crapped a little bit. finally we saw siying and weiling coming! siying borrowed liling's blades i think? then they disappeared to nowhere. we then decided to go back to return the blades. amazingly i could rollerblade alone all the way back to the shop! on the way we also saw sze, then she had to "fetch" fuzhuo, xiaoyan and yibin (and whoever else). poor her. after returning the blades i rode on liling's bicycle and went to buy drinks. saw shining there also so i decided to race with her. wa, never knew it's so tiring... finally everyone was back and xialang went to buy a freesbie. we then walked to the beach and started our game!

can't really remember what happened. we just ran here and there trying to catch the freesbie from our groupmates. think neither group scored because the see breeze was so strong it's no longer breeze but wind and we couldn't catch the freesbie. in the end it just turned out to be a "war" started by xialang and fuzhuo. the usual dumping of people into the sea and throwing of sand to each other blah blah took place. me and shining were so stupid to be standing in the water and shouting things to the sea, sang somemore, like two drunk mad women. hoho... oh yeah, there were even people shooting mv there, you know, one guy and one girl chasing each other and throwing sand at each other. who were they? xianlin and fuzhuo. hoho... then we all were singing "ai mei" (ambiguous relationship). :P after that the poor cg rep xialang had to be buried by us, but kind-hearted me didn't do anything okay! when they finished sze helped us take wonderful photos. hoho...

after that we went to the changing room and washed up. oh yeah, we saw this pervert-looking guy taking photos of the outside of the changing room with his handphone. yibin and xianlin were still in there changing... haha, then yibin came out with this pervert look because she was wearing this coat and very short shorts inside. anyway, we just walked to mcD for dinner. finally i can see how much guys can eat. fuzhuo ordered one meal + chicken wings, xialang was better, he ordered one meal + chiken wings + a milk shake! omg... then we were eating and crapping and wasting time there. xialang even asked this very lame and stupid question: (in chinese) car that flies in the sky, guess a drink. it's coffee! because car 'fei' (fly). = =''' never mind if you don't get it. actually we wanted to go arcade after that but don't know why we ended up not going. so we walked to the bus stop and sent sze back (actually we saw her running to the bus stop in the opposite direction). all of us went to the same bus stop, in the end me and shining and xialang board the same bus but we alighted at parkway. then we went back to the hostel.

yay, here comes the end of the grandmother story. hoho... i know it's long and smelly, but, yeah, it's a memorable story! hope that our cg outing will be more and more successful! think we shall have a class cheer too...

cg 21/06 rocks!

posted @ 8/10/2006 02:21:00 PM

Monday, August 07, 2006


yo, i'm back... haha... had a refreshing weekend (so called, more refreshing than ever)...

on friday went for the school's chinese cultural club or chinese literacy club new songs concert (whatever it's called). well, it was quite impressive, since it's done by students. most of their songs are quite nice, as in they are quite nice for the mainstream music industry. well, i can't tell what is mainstream, but just feel that it will suit the mainstream people's taste. there is this one song which is very outstanding, at least to me. this guy called guan hua composed the melody and sang it. it was supposed to be sung by a girl but that girl refused to sing that day so guan hua sang it. oh my god, he's so scary... his high notes are very high, but it didn't sound bad. very impressive, and the melody is the type i like. :) overall it's worth watching lah. oh yeah, forgot to mention, actually our school's teachers are also very talented. two teachers sang old songs, and it was an amazing performance, sang like professional singers man!

then on saturday went to IKEA with shining. oh yeah, before that we went to queensway shopping centre. she wanted to look for a pair of sports shoes but in the end we just wondered around doing nothing but wasting time. :P then we walked to IKEA. went browsing the whole building, looking at their fantastic home designs. while looking at them i always imagine my future home to be as such as such. hoho... think in future i'll design my own home. then when we were about to leave we found out that the exit was seriously jammed. don't know why these people just appeared out of nowhere and queued for paying. we had to squeezed through the crowd of people. spent 5 minutes to get out of the place. XP then bought 2 hotdog buns and 1 soft drink. hoho, taste nice. then we walked all the way to queenstown mrt station, and that was like don't know how many km? took mrt to serangoon then met shin chiann at the bus interchange. in the end we went to nyjc together. wa, sam was dressed so nicely that day, put on makeup somemore. then to my surprise (actually horror), starsky and friend were there too. was wondering what were they doing there, they don't understand chinese right? anyway, we got to sit at the "reserved" seats. sound "vip" right? hoho... shan't elaborate on the films, it will be super long. just give a few comments. first film is called "sisters". actually not bad, though the storyline might be a little common, but the feeling is there, i got touched and cried a little. :P can't understand why the people laughed when there is one scene where the girl got robbed. = =''' okay, second film, pathetic, i don't understand. it's too "art", i don't know what it wants to express. oh yeah, it's about one guy waiting for another girl. but i don't understand why they used japanese also. maybe it sounds cool? anyway, it's just repeating the line "i'm not at my phone right now, just leave me a message, i'll call you back" something like that. yeah... third film, sam's film. hoho... hmm, shall say it's not bad (or i'll get killed, hoho). but seriously it's not bad, though again the storyline is quite common. the guy is quite cute. hoho... and his acting skill not bad, looks quite natural. then sam's best friend in the film also acted quite well. as for sam, haha, the usual sam appeared in the film, makes it more natural. there is one scene that touches me. when sam got heart attack and tried to get the medicine from her best friend, who refused to pass it to her, then she was about to fall backward (she's on the stairs), then, then, that cute guy came and pulled her! omg, when that scene came, and the music accompanied, i just cried. wa, so touched. but in the end sam died, so sad... okay, enough of this, very long post. yeah, in the end late back to hostel, luckily didn't get scolded. :)

sunday, shan't talk much. a slacking day. woke up at 2++pm, ate lunch, watched "reaching for the stars" (again) while doing math tutorial... blah blah... slept at 1++ because i was obssessd with my video editting... yeah... that's all... i'm lazy to type anymore...

posted @ 8/07/2006 11:46:00 AM