
khoon hiang

get into NTU chinese course
dean's list
faculty subject prize
long-lasting relationship
keep in touch with friends
no war, no disaster, no tragedy
exercise hard for better health
spend less for more savings
sleep more for clearer mind
eat less for loosing weight



Sunday, January 27, 2008

happy new year~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

okay, i know i have long abandoned this blog, but frankly speaking, i don't even have much time for my msn space. muahahaha...

let's talk about the new year. well, i'm taking up a vacation job, which i seriously think it's not so fantastic at all. the pay can be quite attractive, but when you look at the workload, you would think that's it's really not that fantastic anymore. i'm like working more than 8 hours a day, and the pay i get is only 8 hours' pay, nothing else. and you got to talk non-stop for 8 hours, even if i'm talkative i won't be able to stand this. my job sounds so not good right? but anyway, i've chosen the job, so maybe i should give it a try. who knows, maybe after a month or two, i would love this job, and wouldn't want to leave. haha. slim chance.

and talking about things other than job, i guess it would be a level. rumours keep passing around, saying that results are released next week. please, what's the use of us getting the results so early, we only start going university in august. don't spoil our holiday so soon, at least let us enjoy another two months first, okay? >.< and i don't want to be affected at work, i'm already doing quite badly at work, don't make it worse.

on a lighter note, i shall talk about new year resolution, which is so late to talk about at this moment. but never mind, it shall be my chinese new year resolution. muahahahaha...

1. save enough money from work so that i can go to taiwan for a week.
2. gain enough experience from work so that i can practise that in future.
3. keep in touch with friends whom i treasure a lot, even if we go to different universities.
4. keep a long-lasting relationship which is meaningful and enriching.
5. of course most importantly, no war, no disaster, no tragedy.

sounds unrealistic, but anyway, that's my chinese new year resolution. okay, i guess i'll stop here for the moment. for those of you who're working, happy working. for those guys who're ns-ing, happy ns-ing. for those of you who're holiday-ing, happy holiday-ing. ^.^

once again, happy new year!!!

posted @ 1/27/2008 03:15:00 PM